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Pervasive Connectivity Layer
A meshed network outshines the traditional client-server model, offering unmatched decentralization, resilience, and efficiency.
Homogenized Computation Layer
Commoditize heterogeneous compute resources with different granularities into a single unified compute layer, delivering unparalleled availability.
Adaptive Orchestration Layer
Various compute demands, regardless of their nature, can seamlessly access the compute layer via adaptive orchestration to dynamically orchestrate services efficiently.
Oracles and Settlement Layer
Powered by the unparalleled performance and user-friendliness of the Solana blockchain, alongside a dynamic on-chain ecosystem, we push the boundaries of Web3 mass adoption with mainstream compute innovations.
Sentry Nodes set the stage for Pervasive Connectivity – the first phase towards realizing our vision. By design, they are privacy-preserving, lightweight (<1MB data usage per month), and functional efficiently with intermittent liveliness. They map global connectivity and play an important role in ensuring the liveness of computational resources.
Sentry Nodes are just the beginning of our journey, Stay tuned for more ways to contribute to the network.